随着美国示威运动不断升级,“清算”狂潮席卷而来,全美沦陷在无尽的自我审查当中。曾享誉盛名的美国名人雕像被悉数推倒,不仅多位前美国总统被波及,连“国父”也无法幸免。 6月18日,美国波特兰市的示威者推倒了美国开国总统华盛顿的雕像。它的轰然倒塌预示这波运动狂潮正在将美国推向疯狂的境地。 不愿善罢甘休的美国抗议者们把战火引向了国歌和首都。聚集在旧金山金门公园的400名示威者拉倒了三座雕像,这其中就包括了美国国歌《星条旗》的词作者弗朗西斯·斯科特·基。 随后,雅虎音乐编辑林德赛·帕克在社交平台发表文章,呼吁将带有“明显种族主义色彩”的国歌换掉。 在24日发布的专栏文章中,她宣称国歌作词者弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)是一名不折不扣的蓄奴者,身为律师的他还起诉过废奴主义者。 她援引历史学家和反种族歧视活动人士的话,强调弗朗西斯与反废奴主义者有密切联系,因此他的立场毋庸置疑,使用他的歌曲作为国歌是对黑人的侮辱。 如果《星条旗》不适合,那要换成什么更为合适呢? 尽管文章中并没有直接说明观点,但作者借用《华尔街日报》近日的一篇报道表达了自己的立场:一名非裔混血学生在毕业典礼上选择唱了一首被誉为“黑人国歌”的著名歌曲——《人人引吭高歌》(Lift Ev 'ry Voice and Sing)以替代国歌。
Recently, American activists and historians have called for the replacement of The Star Spangled Banner as the national anthem, because it was written by slave owner Francis Scott Key.In the article “Why it might be time to finally replace ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ with a new national anthem,” by Yahoo Music Editor Lyndsey Parker, activist and journalist Kevin Powell said it is important to understand the racist legacy of the song, as its poem was written by white slave owner Francis Scott Key who as a lawyer prosecuted abolitionists and “helped define” the period in which he lived. For Powell and historian and scholar Daniel E. Walker it’s time to dispense “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the national anthem, because “this is about the deep-seated legacy of slavery and white supremacy in America.” 除了国歌要换,连美国首都也被“点了名”。 美国首都全称为华盛顿·哥伦比亚特区。华盛顿指美国开国总统,而哥伦比亚则是“发现”美洲的哥伦布。长久以来,在美国人的眼中,他几乎可以成为“美国精神”的代名词。 近日,有抗议者声称哥伦布最早在欧洲实行种族主义并将之带回美洲,由此开启了美洲土著人和非洲人被奴役的历史,所以美国首都不应该继续使用这个名字。 为此,美国众议院率先提出决议:改哥伦比亚特区(District of Columbia)为“道格拉斯邦Douglass Commonwealth”。 The capital of the United States is called Washington DC. Washington refers to the founding president of the United States, while Colombia refers to Columbus, who "discovered" the Americas. For a long time, in the eyes of Americans, he was almost synonymous with "American spirit." As the protests escalated, protesters claimed that Columbus was a racist in Europe and brought it to the United States, thus starting the history of slavery of Native Americans and Africans. Therefore, the name of the capital should not be used anymore. The U.S. House of Representatives took the lead in proposing a resolution to change District of Columbia to "Douglass Commonwealth," in honor of abolitionist Frederick Douglass.